
Ways to love, train, educate, share information, and revel in being a Pitbull Parent.


Lexi and Con snuggle it up!
Aside from being a mother and a wife, I consider myself to be a passionate pitbull advocate. After adopting my Staffordshire Pitbull Terrier about 5 years ago, I realized I needed to learn more about the breed because I, like many others, held certain beliefs about pitbulls, and believed they were dangerous animals who didn’t make great pets. I quickly learned I was seriously wrong. Much of what I found indicated that pitbulls are loving, loyal, and gentle pets. My own dog, Concobar, is an affectionate, playful part of my family. Once being a pitbull parent became part of my identity, I became stalwart in spreading the message that pitbulls aren’t aggressive dogs, it’s the people who train them to behave that way the public should hold responsible. Pitbulls are, however, extremely clever and full of energy, and that can make owning one a challenge. This blog is intended to be a resource for other pitbull parents, and those who are considering becoming one. You will not find horror stories of abused dogs here, or adoption and donation pleas. Those are useful tools, and have an important place in our community, however there are numerous and wonderful sites already dedicated to that mission. And while I encourage each of you to share your pitbull rescue stories, I will not be featuring them here. That being said, welcome, Pitbull Parents, to a page dedicated to you and your best friend!


  1. What is a good contact email address for you?

    1. Hi,
      May I ask why you want it? If you would like to chat about something specific, I'll be more than happy to provide it.
      Be a Breed Ambassador,

    2. Hi,
      May I ask why you want it? If you would like to chat about something specific, I'll be more than happy to provide it.
      Be a Breed Ambassador,

  2. Today I am deeply saddened. I adopted a small two year old pit three weeks ago. The most affectionate dog I've ever had. She turned on my two year old boxer Pitt mix. I managed to get them apart but then she turned on me. She bit me nine times before I twisted her collar enough to choke her till she calmed down. This morning I took her back to shelter. At the front door she fought through the fence with another pit. Officer pulled her from the fence and she bit him. My question is how do I get through this and get another one.I don't want to be scared. Now I am.
